EduFood : In-House / Private Food Handler Training (Online / Onsite)

We offer Private / In-House Food Handler Training Courses either through Online or Onsite at your location / premise anywhere within Malaysia! EduFood works together with KKM approved trainers from all around the country to provide our service to you. We have more than 7 years experience in this training industry and more than 70,000 have received our Food Handler Training Certificates!

Further information and quotation request form are provided below.

Minimum Payment
The price of the course is RM50/pax but there is a minimum payment of RM800 (RM1000 for HRDC-Claimable). Online Public Classes in link below do not have minimum payment.

We also offer Public Online Food Handler Training Courses as well as other food industry related courses.
Kursus Pengendali Makanan Online BM klik SINI
Food Handler Training Online English click HERE
Halal, HCCP, GMP, MeSTI, & More Trainings click HERE


HRDC Claimable

Private / In-House Training with EduFood is also HRD Corp Claimable (SBL-Khas)! EduFood Training & Consultancy, MyCoID: 002991444X, is approved by HRD Corp (previously HRDF) for Food Handler Training FHT Grant Claim under HRD Claimable Course / SBL Khas scheme. No upfront payment is required with this grant and the training will be conducted by HRD Corp-TTT trainer.

Many companies have received our HRD Claimable Courses / Kursus SBL Khas Claim, among them are Global EduCare, The Zenith Hotel Putrajaya, Herbal Science Sdn Bhd, Meng Meng Roasted Duck Sdn Bhd, and USCI Hotels Sdn Bhd.

Endorsed by KKM

KKM/MOH is following MKN SOP for Onsite FHT during MCO / PKP, in line with SOP Guideline during COVID-19 Pandemic. This Food Handler Training Certificate is usable LIFETIME, endorsed by Ministry of Health Malaysia (KKM), and accepted by Majlis / Perlesenan.

Additional Information

  • RM50/pax, max 20 pax (online), max 30 pax (onsite).
  • Food Handler Training certificate ON THE SPOT.
  • 3+ hours/session (non-HRDC), 4 hours/session (HRDC),
  • Optional request: Onsite TY2 Anti-Typhoid Vaccination.

Contact Cikgu Nadzirah for more info: / 0126426732 / WhatsApp Thank you.

Quotation Request Form

Fill in form below to request a quotation & then WhatsApp/email Cikgu Nadzirah IMMEDIATELY to discuss on your request

Quotation Form Popup

MINIMUM 5 PESERTA. Sila daftar kursus online jika kurang daripada 5 peserta. - MINIMUM 5 PARTICIPANTS. Please register online course if less than 5 participants.

Dapatkan Anggaran Harga - Get Estimated Price

Dapatkan anggaran bagi harga Kursus Pengendali Makanan Onsite/In-House/Private EduFood. Anggaran harga ini tidak termasuk cas-cas tambahan yang bergantung kepada lokasi, waktu, dan sebagainya. - Get estimated price for EduFood Onsite/In-House/Private Food Handling Course. The estimated price does not include additional costs that depend on location, time, and others.

Dengan bilangan peserta yang diberikan, anda boleh mendapatkan harga lebih rendah dengan kelas online awam EduFood seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah. - With the numbers of participants given, you can get lower price with EduFood public online classes as shown below.

Klik Di Sini Untuk Kelas Online Awam - Click Here For Public Online Class

Jika anda masih berminat untuk mendapatkan Latihan Kursus Pengendali Makanan Onsite/In-House/Private EduFood dengan bilangan peserta yang diberikan di atas, sila isi borang di bawah untuk mendapatkan sebutharga rasmi. - If you are still interested in getting EduFood Onsite/In-House/Private Food Handling Course Training with the numbers of participants given above, please fill in the form below to get an official quotation.

Sila isi borang di bawah untuk mendapatkan sebutharga rasmi. - Please fill in the form below to get an official quotation.

Person In Charge (PIC) Info

Nama PIC. - PIC name.
Isi email PIC jika ada. - Fill in PIC email if available.

Maklumat Berkaitan Servis Atau Kursus Yang Anda Perlukan - Details On The Service Or Course That You Require

Isi ONLINE jika anda memerlukan servis atau kursus yang dijalankan secara ONLINE. - Fill in ONLINE if you require a service or course that is to be conducted ONLINE.
Pilih tarikh untuk menjalankan servis atau kursus yang anda perlukan. - Pick the date to conduct the service or course that you require.
(Contoh - Example: 2:30PM)